caridina International

caridina International

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À propos de caridina International

The magazine for invertebrate enthusiasts in the entire world. This new English edition brings you the caridina magazine, with all relevant information all around successful invert keeping, informs you of new trends and breeding success stories, gripping portraits and interviews with international invert specialists and insiders, reports on contests and so on and so forth. The popular German magazine is now available internationally! Since 2006 the caridina has established as the most important German magazine all around shrimp, crayfish and Co. Starting in 2019, all the internationally relevant content is also made available in the English language, in the form of an epaper edition. caridina is truly one of a kind - a specialized magazine, by renowned invert specialists for invert enthusiasts (hobbyists, breeders, dealers and so on) - and now in all the world.

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